Great Tips From Experts And Homeowners For Lowering AC Repair Costs
Summer has arrived! That means you’re probably spending more time outside. But it also means you’ll want to stay nice and cool when you’re indoors.
The key to keeping your home as cool as possible is to make sure that your AC unit is in proper operating condition. After all, AC problems can make the heat of summer feel pretty miserable.
This article takes a look at some helpful tips for reducing AC repair costs so that you can keep cool without spending a fortune. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on repairing your AC and reducing energy costs.
Replace Your Air Filter
The first step to saving money on your energy bill is to replace your HVAC air filter every 4 to 6 weeks. This is a cheap and easy way to make sure that your outdoor unit keeps operating as efficiently as possible.
When your air filter becomes clogged with dirt, dust, and other types of debris, airflow is reduced which causes the unit to have to work harder than normal to cool your home.
Air filters are available at your local hardware store. Buy several at a time and keep them and keep them handy so that you can replace them whenever necessary.
Turn on Your Ceiling Fans
The ceiling fans located throughout your home help circulate cool air from room to room. This helps reduce strain on your HVAC while keeping your home cooled evenly throughout.
Install Energy-Efficient Windows
Another way to get the most from your HVAC while reducing energy costs is to replace your old windows with new energy-efficient windows.
As windows age, the seals tend to fail, allowing air from outside to leak into your home. Because of this, it will become more difficult to cool your home during the summer or to keep it heated during the winter months.
You can replace the seals and weather stripping, but the best option is to simply invest in new windows.
Modern energy-efficient windows are designed to help insulate your home and reduce wasted energy.
Block and Damper Your Fireplace
During the summer, it’s a smart idea to block the flu on your fireplace. This will prevent heated or cooled air from escaping up the chimney. You can also install glass doors on your fireplace or purchase a chimney balloon.
Make Sure the Thermostat is Working
Take a look at your thermostat and make sure that it’s working correctly. A high-quality digital thermostat is one of the best ways to reduce energy costs and to maintain the ideal temperature inside your home.
Have Your HVAC Unit Serviced
The best way to keep your home cool during the summer is to have it serviced at least once a year. An AC professional will know how to make repairs and offer helpful advice on how to keep your unit running reliably no matter how hot it gets outside.
A Homeowners Guide to Basic AC Repair Costs
Staying cool during the summer is important. Fortunately, these tips for reducing AC repair costs will help make the summer months in your home as enjoyable as possible.
Please contact us today to schedule an appointment to have your AC unit serviced.