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5 crazy Facts About MN

Published: October 31, 2018

Minneapolis is a great place to visit and an even better place to live. Here are 5 fascinating, crazy facts about Minneapolis that you wouldn’t have guessed.

People in Minneapolis are Especially Inventive

There’s just something about the beauty of Minneapolis that inspires creative thought, and there are many things used all over the world that were invented right here.

Honeycrisp apples were engineered at the University of Minnesota, and rice cakes are another of the famous inventions to come out of the city of lakes. Everyone loves chocolate, and Mars Inc. was one of the many world-famous companies that was founded right here. What’s more, the inventor of the pop-up toaster was born in Minneapolis, so you can thank a local every time your toast is ready.

If that’s not enough, the world’s first open-heart surgery was performed at the University of Minnesota by Dr. C. Walton Lillehei, who was of course born in Minneapolis!

Minneapolis Housed the First Internet Cat Video Festival

Cats are one of the most popular things on the Internet. In fact, they’re so popular that an AI experiment in facial identification managed to develop its entire own algorithm just to seek out cats!

Minneapolis was home to the world’s first Internet cat video festival in 2012, hosted at the Walker Art Center. It was so popular with an estimated 10, 000 visitors attending the event that it could turn into a regular event, and one of the best reasons to visit the city if you are a cat lover.

Celebrities in Minneapolis?

While a lot of people think of Hollywood as the celebrity hub of the United States, Minneapolis has seen its fair share of celebrities. You might even run into a few world famous celebrities who were born here during your stay!

Bob Dylan spent time studying at the University and Prince was well-known as a Minneapolis local. Writer F. Scott Fitzgerald also spent a considerable time in the city as a child and it no doubt shows in his writing.

That’s not all. Guess who else was born in the gorgeous Minneapolis? The creator of the Peanuts comic strip, Charles Schulz.

Minneapolis Loves Books!

Minneapolis is a great place to be if you’re a lover of books. There are plenty of writers who make Minneapolis their home, and just as many writers travel to Minneapolis to finish their great works.

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